Sorting through fake news for real news!

I got caught the other day sharing a study on how the coronavirus spreads when you run, however it turns out the study is not a true scientific study, just conjecture. Fortunately I could correct the sharing of the fake news rather easily, however it highlighted in todays world, , how easy it is to get caught up in fake news. The speed and flood of information we receive on a daily basis seems to be overwhelming. We can’t turn the tap off however we can be better prepared.

We can be better prepared to sort through what we receive as being facts or half- truths or even false facts. The true facts allow us to make better decisions, worry less and focus on what’s truly important. I don’t what to be known as someone who spreads rumors or fake news, I want to be known as someone who cares about the truth. There’s a couple of quick steps at a high level we can take to arm ourselves so we’re more informed on fake news and don’t get caught out again.

1: Here’s an article I found that give a simple and effective 4 step process to identifying fake news. The four steps are:

From the Harvard Business review

2: Understand the effect that fake news can have so that we are not the ones spreading the news. What we think is real is fake events or news that has a negative impact on the businesses we need to rely.


3: There are organizations that are promoting the concept of evidence-based management for business leaders. The approach they are advocating is using an academic based approach to the decision making which includes gathering all the best available evidence, not just the supporting evidence for a decision.

What Is Evidence-Based Management?

With the speed that events have been unfolding, the volume of information available and the little time we have to asses, digest and act, it’s important that we can at least at a high level, sort our fact from fiction. Hopefully with a little guidance we can make it easier on or selves in the assessment process.What tips or tricks to you have to help you sort out fact from fake news?

Get started on how you can begin working towards identifying the facts for leadership issues or road blocks by having a conversation. This conversation can begin the process to providing effective risk management leadership solutions.

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