A Year on the Factory Floor: Lessons Learned and Assumptions Challenged

What’s that expression, a change is just as good as a rest? Sometimes, when our careers hit a roadblock, taking a different path can provide the rest and reset we need. As someone who experienced setbacks in the financial services industry, I found myself in need of a break and a chance to refocus on my career goals. So, I decided to take on a unique challenge – working on a factory floor. Little did I know that this experience would not only provide the rest I needed but also challenge my assumptions about risk management and compliance. In this article, I will share my journey of spending a year on the factory floor, the lessons I learned, and how my assumptions about risk management were both confirmed and changed.

A New Perspective on Risk Management

One of the main motivations behind my decision to work on the factory floor was to experience a completely different compliance and risk management structure outside of the financial services industry. I wanted to challenge my assumptions and see if risk management and compliance could be used as a business partner rather than a hindrance to growth. To my surprise, I discovered that risk management can indeed be a driving force for a company’s success. While it may not be explicitly labeled as risk management, the concept of continuous improvement on the factory floor is essentially a form of risk management in action. By constantly reviewing processes, seeking upgrades, and eliminating waste, the focus is on identifying and mitigating risks, whether positive or negative.

Continuous Improvement: A Form of Risk Management

Continuous improvement is a core principle on the factory floor. It involves regularly observing and analyzing processes to identify areas for improvement. This focus on continuous improvement also highlights potential risks and provides an opportunity to address them. By constantly striving to reduce negative risks and capitalize on positive risks, the factory floor embraces risk management in its pursuit of excellence. This experience challenged my assumption that risk management and continuous improvement were fundamentally separate concepts. In reality, they are closely intertwined, with continuous improvement serving as a practical application of risk management principles.

Transferable Leadership Skills

Another assumption I had was that good risk management leadership skills were specific to the financial services industry. However, my time on the factory floor proved otherwise. The skill sets required to nurture and foster a culture of continuous improvement are remarkably similar to those needed to lead a risk management process in any industry. Effective communication, the ability to analyze data, and the talent for motivating and inspiring teams are all essential qualities for successful risk management leadership. This realization shattered my preconceived notion that risk management skills were confined to a particular sector.

Oil and Water: The Relationship Between Risk Management and Other Departments

One assumption that still holds some merit is the belief that risk management and compliance departments are like oil and water, unable to mix seamlessly with other departments. During conversations with project managers, I noticed some reluctance and hesitation to fully embrace the risk management process. However, I also observed that when their performance bonuses were tied to project delivery, adherence to the risk management program became a priority. The promise of a year-end bonus incentivized project managers, even if they didn’t fully appreciate the value of risk management. This observation confirmed that, to some extent, there is still a divide between risk management and other departments. However, it also highlighted the importance of aligning incentives to encourage the integration of risk management practices throughout the organization.


In conclusion, my year on the factory floor provided more than just a career rest and reset. It shattered some assumptions while confirming others. I discovered that risk management can be a powerful business partner, driving continuous improvement and success. The leadership skills required for effective risk management are transferable across industries, challenging the notion of specialization. Additionally, while there may still be some resistance to the integration of risk management in certain departments, aligning incentives can bridge the gap. Overall, my journey on the factory floor has given me a fresh perspective on risk management and paved the way for a more holistic approach to business growth and success.

Please let me know if you have had the same experience, and how you coped?

The Importance of Effective Risk Management: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Arrogance

Risk management is a crucial aspect of any business, helping organizations identify and mitigate potential risks that could impact their operations. However, the success of a risk management program heavily relies on the expertise and approach of the risk manager or consultant involved. In some cases, the arrogance of a risk manager can lead to ineffective and unproductive outcomes, causing frustration and dissatisfaction for the client. In this article, we will explore the consequences of dealing with an arrogant risk manager and discuss the qualities that make a consultant successful in the field.

The One-Sided Approach: Dictating Rather than Collaborating

One of the primary issues that arise when working with an arrogant risk manager is the dominance of their demands and opinions during discussions. Instead of engaging in a collaborative dialogue and gathering relevant information, these risk managers tend to impose their own agenda on the client. This one-sided approach not only undermines the client’s perspective but also disregards the purpose of hiring a risk manager in the first place – to seek professional guidance and expertise.

The Need for Information Gathering and Understanding

To effectively assess and manage risks, a risk manager must invest time and effort in understanding the client’s business, industry standards, and specific requirements. However, an arrogant risk manager may overlook this crucial step, diving straight into making demands without fully grasping the client’s unique situation. This lack of information gathering can lead to unnecessary policies and procedures being suggested, wasting the client’s time and resources.

The Value of a Collaborative Relationship

Successful consultants and auditors understand the importance of building a collaborative relationship with their clients. They view the engagement as an opportunity to provide valuable service and contribute to the client’s success, rather than merely generating revenue for their firm. These consultants actively listen to their clients, take the time to understand their needs, and tailor their recommendations accordingly. By fostering a collaborative relationship, consultants can ensure that their clients receive the maximum value from their expertise.

Differentiating Good Consultants from the Rest

Not all risk managers exhibit arrogance in their approach. In fact, many consultants and auditors go above and beyond to deliver exceptional service and results. Their focus is on understanding the client’s business, providing relevant recommendations, and ultimately helping the client achieve their goals. By learning from the success stories of such consultants, aspiring risk managers and compliance officers can enhance their own skills and ensure positive outcomes for their clients.

The Significance of Client Treatment

Treating clients with respect and empathy is a fundamental aspect of successful consulting. Consultants who prioritize client satisfaction build lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect. These consultants are attentive listeners, actively seeking to understand their clients’ needs and concerns. By treating clients as partners in the consulting process, rather than dictating to them, consultants can establish a foundation of trust and collaboration.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Successful consultants never stop learning. They are committed to staying updated with industry trends, best practices, and regulatory requirements. By continuously improving their knowledge and skills, consultants can provide clients with the most relevant and effective solutions. This proactive approach demonstrates a genuine commitment to client success and sets successful consultants apart from their peers.

The Power of Reputation

A consultant’s reputation plays a significant role in their success. Consultants who consistently deliver exceptional work and achieve positive outcomes for their clients build a strong reputation within the industry. Word of mouth referrals and positive testimonials from satisfied clients can lead to a steady stream of new opportunities. By prioritizing client satisfaction and consistently delivering value, consultants can establish themselves as trusted experts in the field.

Becoming a Successful Consultant: Lessons Learned

If you aspire to become a risk manager or compliance officer, seeking opportunities to transition into consulting can be a rewarding career move. By observing and learning from successful consultants, you can adopt their strategies and mindset to create meaningful relationships with your clients. Remember, it is essential to treat clients with respect, actively listen to their needs, and continuously enhance your knowledge and skills.

In conclusion, the arrogance of a risk manager can hinder the effectiveness of a risk management program. Collaborative relationships, information gathering, and understanding the client’s unique needs are vital for success in the consulting field. By emulating the qualities of successful consultants, aspiring risk managers can navigate the challenges and deliver exceptional service to their clients. So, let us strive for a consultancy industry where arrogance is replaced with collaboration, and client success is the ultimate goal.

Have you had the experience of a consultant coming across as a know it all?

Deep vs Shallow Professionalism: A Modern Perspective

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the perception of professionalism has undergone significant changes. What it means to be a professional, the qualities that mark someone as a professional, and the ethical standards associated with different professions have all shifted. This article explores the concept of deep versus shallow professionalism, shedding light on the contrasting characteristics and implications of these two approaches.

Defining Professionalism

Professionalism is a term used to describe the conduct, qualities, and characteristics that distinguish an individual as a professional. Traditionally, professions such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, and athletes were considered examples of deep professionalism. These individuals dedicated years of education and training to their craft and were required to meet stringent requirements to obtain the necessary credentials.

The Rise of Shallow Professionalism

Over time, shallow professionalism has emerged as a phenomenon that co-opts the deep professionalism of certain fields. Shallow professionals create a facade of being experts in their respective domains but lack the same level of education, training, and credentials as their deep professional counterparts. This raises questions about the ethical standards maintained within shallow professions.

Ethical Standards and Shallow Professionals

One of the key concerns surrounding shallow professionalism is the low ethical standards that often accompany it. Shallow professionals may lack the same level of commitment to their field, leading to a higher likelihood of poor ethical behavior. This includes conflicts of interest, unethical practices, and a disregard for the consequences of their actions.

For risk managers and compliance officers, the presence of shallow professionals within an organization poses significant risks. Deep professionals have their livelihoods at stake, as they can face sanctions, loss of licenses, or the revocation of hard-earned designations for unethical behavior. On the other hand, shallow professionals can often walk away from their actions without facing any significant repercussions.

Identifying Shallow Professionals

Detecting shallow professionals can be a challenging task. In my past experiences, I have found that assessing an individual’s perception of regulators can provide valuable insights. Those who maintain a consistent tone and attitude, irrespective of the topic, may indicate a deep professional mindset. However, those who exhibit a change in tone or make disparaging remarks may raise red flags.

It’s crucial to keep a watchful eye on individuals who claim to be professionals but exhibit shallow professional traits. Monitoring their actions, adherence to company policies and procedures, and their overall ethical conduct can help identify and manage potential risks associated with shallow professionalism.

The Significance of Professionalism

The concept of professionalism holds immense importance in various fields. It ensures the delivery of high-quality services, maintains ethical standards, and fosters trust between professionals and their clients or stakeholders. Deep professionalism, with its focus on continuous learning, skill development, and adherence to ethical guidelines, is crucial for maintaining the integrity and reputation of professions.

The Changing Landscape of Professionalism

As society evolves, the definition and perception of professionalism continue to transform. The traditional view of deep professionalism is being challenged, and new forms of professionalism are emerging. This shift is driven by factors such as technological advancements, changing work dynamics, and evolving societal expectations.

Nurturing Deep Professionalism

To address the challenges posed by shallow professionalism, it is essential to nurture and promote deep professionalism within all fields. This can be achieved through:

  1. Education and Training: Emphasizing the importance of rigorous education and continuous learning to develop deep expertise in a profession.
  2. Ethical Guidelines: Establishing and enforcing robust ethical standards to ensure professionals uphold integrity and accountability.
  3. Mentorship and Guidance: Encouraging experienced professionals to mentor and guide younger generations, instilling the values of deep professionalism.
  4. Recognition and Rewards: Recognizing and rewarding deep professionals for their contributions, expertise, and commitment to their fields.


Deep versus shallow professionalism is a topic of increasing relevance in today’s world. The distinction between these two approaches highlights the importance of upholding ethical standards, maintaining rigorous education and training, and continuously evolving to meet the evolving demands of our professions. By nurturing deep professionalism and identifying and managing the risks associated with shallow professionalism, we can ensure the integrity and sustainability of our professions for generations to come.

Have you experienced shallow professionals acting as an experienced professional?

Leadership from Unlikely Sources: Unleashing Hidden Potential in Times of Uncertainty


The Covid-19 pandemic has thrust the importance of effective leadership into the spotlight. As organizations grapple with unprecedented challenges and uncertainty, the need for strong and resilient leaders has become more evident than ever. While the age-old debate of whether leaders are born or made continues, recent events have shown that genuine leadership can emerge from the most unexpected sources.

In this article, we will explore the concept of leadership from unlikely people and delve into real-life examples that highlight the power of hidden potential. We will discuss how leadership can manifest itself in times of crisis, the qualities that define effective leaders, and the impact they can have on organizations. From making difficult decisions to providing direction and stability, these unsung heroes demonstrate that leadership is not confined to the upper echelons of corporate hierarchies.

Embracing Uncertainty: The Essence of Leadership

In times of uncertainty, true leaders emerge from unexpected corners, ready to navigate uncharted territories and guide their teams towards success. The Covid-19 pandemic has posed myriad challenges, including supply chain disruptions, testing issues, and unprecedented shifts in the business landscape. Amidst this chaos, leaders are often faced with making decisions without complete information or the luxury of time.

As one co-worker aptly vented in frustration, “Any decision is a decision, just make a decision, give us direction.” This simple yet powerful statement captures the essence of leadership in uncertain times. While leaders at the top set the overall tone, it is the ability to make decisive choices that distinguishes exceptional leaders from the rest.

Decisions as a Catalyst for Leadership

Decisiveness lies at the core of effective leadership. Decisions eliminate confusion, provide direction, and outline priorities. It is during times of crisis that the true potential of individuals can be unleashed, regardless of their hierarchical position within an organization. Let us explore a real-life example that demonstrates how an unlikely individual took charge and showcased exemplary leadership skills.

In my experience, I had the privilege of witnessing a co-worker rise to the occasion and take charge during the Covid-19 pandemic. Prior to this, I had perceived this individual as reactive rather than proactive. However, when faced with the uncertainty and rapidly changing priorities brought about by the pandemic, they stepped up and delivered beyond expectations.

Unleashing Hidden Potential: A Personal Account

Working closely with my co-worker during this challenging period, I was amazed at their ability to prioritize tasks, set objectives, and ensure progress on multiple projects. While urgency and priorities shifted almost hourly, my co-worker took it upon themselves to create a sense of order amidst the chaos. They compiled a list of priorities and clearly defined what needed to be done and in what order.

This unexpected display of leadership from an unlikely source left a lasting impact on me. It shattered my preconceived notions and highlighted the untapped potential that exists within organizations. In retrospect, I realized that my initial impression of my co-worker was based on limited observations. The Covid-19 crisis provided the opportunity for them to showcase their leadership skills, proving that true leaders can emerge from any level in the corporate hierarchy.

The Role of Leadership in Times of Crisis

While effective leadership should ideally flow from the top, the reality is that even the most established leadership structures can falter under the weight of uncertainty. In such moments, it is individuals like my co-worker who provide essential support, shore up the organization, and inspire others to rise above the challenges.

The impact of leadership from unlikely sources extends far beyond the immediate crisis. It fosters a culture of empowerment, resilience, and adaptability within the organization. By embracing the potential of individuals at all levels, organizations can tap into a vast reservoir of hidden talent and drive sustainable growth.

Qualities of Effective Leaders

Leadership is not defined by titles or positions; it is a set of qualities and behaviors that inspire and motivate others. Let us explore some key qualities that characterize effective leaders:

  1. Visionary: Effective leaders possess a clear vision of the future and are able to articulate it in a compelling manner. They inspire others to rally behind a shared purpose.
  2. Decisive: Leaders make tough decisions, even in the face of uncertainty. They gather the necessary information, weigh the pros and cons, and take action.
  3. Adaptable: Leaders are flexible and able to navigate through changing circumstances. They embrace innovation and encourage their teams to embrace change.
  4. Empathetic: Great leaders understand the needs and concerns of their team members. They actively listen, show empathy, and create a supportive work environment.
  5. Resilient: Leaders bounce back from setbacks and inspire others to do the same. They maintain a positive attitude and lead by example during challenging times.

Nurturing Leadership Potential

Organizations play a pivotal role in nurturing leadership potential and creating an environment where leaders can thrive. Here are some strategies to foster leadership development at all levels:

  • Training and Development Programs: Provide opportunities for employees to enhance their leadership skills through workshops, courses, and mentorship programs.
  • Rotational Assignments: Offer cross-functional and cross-departmental assignments to expose employees to different aspects of the business and develop a holistic perspective.
  • Encourage Initiative: Create an environment that values initiative and encourages employees to take ownership of their work. Recognize and reward proactive behaviors.
  • Promote Collaboration: Foster a collaborative culture where individuals from diverse backgrounds and hierarchical levels can contribute ideas and work together towards common goals.
  • Lead by Example: Leaders at all levels should exhibit the qualities they expect from others. Their actions and behaviors set the tone for the organization.


In times of crisis, the true test of leadership emerges. While some leaders may falter under the weight of uncertainty, others rise to the occasion, regardless of their position within the organization. The Covid-19 pandemic has shed light on the immense potential that lies within individuals who are often overlooked as leaders.

As organizations navigate the complexities of a rapidly changing world, it is crucial to recognize and nurture leadership potential at all levels. By embracing the power of unlikely leaders, organizations can tap into a wellspring of creativity, resilience, and innovation, ensuring their long-term success and sustainability.

Remember, leadership knows no bounds. It can emerge from the most unlikely sources, and when it does, it has the power to transform organizations and inspire others to reach their full potential.

The Value of Information: Unlocking Potential and Driving Success

‍In today’s fast-paced world, information has become a valuable asset that can shape decisions, drive innovation, and provide a competitive edge. The ability to access and share information is crucial for individuals and organizations to achieve their goals. However, the consequences of withholding information can be detrimental, leading to a loss of trust, innovation, and productivity. This article explores the significance of information and the importance of transparent communication in fostering trust, creativity, and a positive work environment.

The Power of Transparency

Transparency is the key to unlocking the true value of information. When information is openly shared, it builds trust among individuals and groups. Transparent communication fosters an environment where employees feel valued, respected, and included. This, in turn, leads to stronger collaboration, better problem-solving, and increased productivity.

Trust: The Foundation of Success

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship, whether personal or professional. When information is withheld, it creates suspicion and mistrust. Employees may question the motives behind the secrecy, leading to a breakdown in communication and collaboration. In contrast, transparent sharing of information builds trust among team members, fostering a culture of openness and cooperation.

“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” – Stephen Covey

Innovation: Nurturing Creativity

Innovation thrives in an environment where information flows freely. When individuals have access to relevant and timely information, it sparks creativity and inspires new ideas. Open communication allows for the cross-pollination of thoughts, leading to breakthroughs and advancements. By fostering a culture of transparency, organizations can unlock the full potential of their employees’ innovative thinking.

Productivity: Maximizing Performance

Withholding information can have a detrimental impact on productivity. When employees are left in the dark, they may struggle to make informed decisions or take necessary actions. This can lead to delays, confusion, and a decrease in overall performance. On the other hand, transparent sharing of information empowers employees to make educated choices, enabling them to perform at their best and contribute to the organization’s success.

The Ripple Effect: Effects of Withholding Information

The consequences of withholding information extend beyond trust, innovation, and productivity. They can also impact mental health, employee engagement, and the overall work environment.

Toxic Work Environment: The Silent Killer

When information is withheld, it creates a toxic work environment characterized by secrecy and mistrust. Employees may feel excluded or undervalued, resulting in high levels of stress and anxiety. This hostile atmosphere not only affects individual well-being but can also lead to decreased morale, increased turnover, and a negative impact on the organization as a whole.

Employee Engagement: Empowering Individuals

Information empowers individuals to take ownership of their work and contribute meaningfully. When employees have access to relevant information, they feel engaged and connected to the organization’s mission and goals. Transparent communication ensures that everyone is on the same page, fostering a sense of belonging and commitment.

Collaboration: Breaking Down Silos

Information silos can hinder effective collaboration and hinder innovation. When information is hoarded within specific departments or individuals, it creates barriers and limits cross-functional cooperation. Transparent sharing of information breaks down these silos, encouraging collaboration and enabling teams to leverage diverse perspectives and expertise.

Embracing Transparency: Building a Culture of Openness

Creating a culture of transparency requires a deliberate and strategic approach. Organizations can adopt several practices to promote open communication and reap the benefits of transparent information sharing.

Clear Communication Channels

Establishing clear communication channels is essential to ensure information flows freely throughout the organization. This includes regular team meetings, email updates, and accessible document repositories. By providing employees with the tools and resources they need to access information, organizations promote transparency and encourage open dialogue.

Leadership by Example

Leaders play a crucial role in fostering a culture of transparency. When leaders prioritize open communication, it sets a precedent for the rest of the organization. By leading by example and modeling transparent behavior, leaders inspire trust and create an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing information.

Training and Education

Educating employees on the importance of transparent communication can help cultivate a culture of openness. Training programs can provide guidance on effective communication strategies, active listening, and the value of information sharing. By equipping employees with the necessary skills, organizations empower individuals to contribute to a transparent work environment.

Feedback and Recognition

Feedback and recognition are essential components of transparent communication. Organizations should encourage open feedback channels, where employees can express their thoughts, opinions, and concerns without fear of repercussions. Recognizing and celebrating transparent behavior reinforces the value of open communication and encourages others to follow suit.


The value of information cannot be overstated. Transparent communication unlocks its potential, fostering trust, innovation, and productivity. By embracing transparency, organizations can create a positive work environment where employees feel valued, engaged, and empowered. As businesses navigate an increasingly complex and competitive landscape, the ability to effectively share information will be a critical factor in driving success and achieving their goals.

Remember, the power of information lies in its ability to provide insights and inspire individuals and organizations to reach new heights. Embrace transparency, and unlock the full potential of your team and organization.