Change Blindness: The Hidden Risk in Business

Have you ever experienced that moment of realization when you notice something for the first time, even though it has been in your sight all along? It’s like discovering a hidden treasure that has been right in front of you. This phenomenon is known as change blindness, and it refers to our inability to become aware of changes in our surroundings. While we may notice the changing seasons or obvious alterations, we often fail to recognize the subtle changes in our daily lives, especially in the rapidly evolving business landscape.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the concept of change blindness and its implications for risk management in businesses. We will explore how failing to recognize and adapt to changes can lead to missed opportunities and negative consequences. Additionally, we will provide practical strategies for risk managers to overcome change blindness and stay ahead of industry disruptions.

The Dangers of Change Blindness

Change blindness can have significant repercussions for businesses, both positive and negative. When we are blind to positive changes, we miss out on potential opportunities for growth and innovation. On the other hand, being blind to negative changes exposes us to various risks and threats that could harm our business. To effectively manage risks, it is crucial for risk managers to be aware of the changes happening around them and adapt accordingly.

For example, let’s consider the real estate industry, which many people rely on as a retirement savings tool. While it may seem stable and mature, there could be underlying shifts in societal attitudes and preferences. The younger generation may not view real estate in the same way, preferring alternative investment options like stocks or bonds. If the industry remains blind to this change, it may fail to adapt and cater to the evolving needs of its target market.

Strategies to Overcome Change Blindness

To avoid falling victim to change blindness, risk managers need to proactively scan the horizon for potential changes and adapt their strategies accordingly. Here are some practical strategies to help risk managers stay on top of industry and societal changes:

1. Scan the Time Horizon

Companies should look beyond their immediate surroundings and scan the time horizon, considering changes that may occur in the next two to three years or even longer. This could involve analyzing technological advancements, social trends, and economic forecasts. By anticipating the unexpected, businesses can better prepare and adapt to potential disruptions.

2. Embrace Pragmatism

In the face of change, it is essential to embrace pragmatism. This means being open to new ideas, technologies, and approaches that may challenge existing norms. By adopting a pragmatic mindset, businesses can navigate change more effectively and seize opportunities that arise.

3. Foster Co-opetition

While competition is inherent in business, fostering a spirit of co-opetition can be beneficial when it comes to understanding industry trends. Engaging in candid conversations with competitors can help uncover shared challenges and identify emerging trends. By collaborating and sharing insights, businesses can collectively drive change and push regulators to adapt.

4. Change the Lens

Sometimes, change blindness occurs because we view risks through a narrow lens. To overcome this, risk managers should consider adopting different perspectives. This could involve seeking external expertise, conducting thorough market research, or engaging in scenario planning exercises. A fresh perspective can help identify blind spots and uncover potential risks that might otherwise go unnoticed.

5. Stay Informed

In an ever-changing business landscape, staying informed is crucial. Risk managers should make it a priority to stay up to date with industry publications, attend conferences and seminars, and actively participate in professional networks. By actively seeking knowledge and insights, risk managers can proactively identify changes and respond accordingly.

The Advantage of Change Awareness

Recognizing and understanding changes can provide businesses with a significant advantage. When positive changes are identified, businesses can leverage them to drive growth and gain a competitive edge. On the other hand, being aware of negative changes allows businesses to mitigate risks and protect their interests. By staying alert and adaptable, risk managers can navigate change effectively and position their organizations for long-term success.


Change blindness is a real and pervasive risk that businesses must address. By acknowledging the phenomenon and taking proactive steps to overcome it, risk managers can position their organizations for success amidst an ever-changing landscape. Scanning the time horizon, embracing pragmatism, fostering co-opetition, changing the lens, and staying informed are just a few strategies that can help risk managers overcome change blindness. Embracing change and adapting strategies accordingly will ensure that businesses can seize opportunities, navigate risks, and thrive in the face of constant change.

Remember, change is inevitable, but blindness to change is a choice. Take the necessary steps to overcome change blindness and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.